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Gavin Riley

1 členů | JINÁ

The 40+ Coolest Argumentative Essay Topics 2022 - 2023


For high school and college students, writing an argumentative essay is a regular academic task. This style of essay is meant to persuade readers of a particular point of view.

The majority of argumentative essay themes are focused on current events that have an impact on society. You can easily receive aid with essay themes from an essay writer service.

The topic mostly determines the essay’s success. You will not be able to write a superb essay without a suitable topic. As a result, choose your argumentative essay topic carefully.

Here are some pointers to help you choose an excellent argumentative essay topic.

  • The topic should be intriguing and entertaining.
  • Determine the reader's interest before selecting a topic.
  • Do as much research as possible on the subject.
  • Consult your lecturer before deciding on an essay topic.

As a result, use these tips while choosing an essay topic. You can also hire free essay writer to help you write your essay.


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Argumentative Essay Topics

Here are some great argumentative essay topics for you to consider for your essay.

  • Are teenagers now smarter than teenagers of past generations?
  • Do elite athletes really deserve their enormous income?
  • Do self-driving cars pose significant legal threats or challenges?
  • Free college education: Advantages and disadvantages.
  • What are some of the biggest challenges for female politicians?
  • Should the government limit the size of sugary drinks?
  • Parents cannot interrupt too much in the lives of their kids.
  • Should we teach men how to pick clothes for the occasion?
  • Does freedom of speech give people the license to say hateful things?
  • The morality of using animals as scientific research experiments.
  • Are human beings the only cause of global warming today?
  • Should social media sites be monitored and regulated?
  • At what age should access to gadgets be introduced to children?
  • Should parents be able to modify their unborn children?
  • What does it mean to be a real woman in contemporary society?
  • What is the cost of Immigration in the School System?
  • Who should pay for health care?
  • Is reading eBooks works that are reading paper books?
  • Should a parent report their own child to the police for a crime?
  • Parents should choose careers for their children.
  • Should people be allowed to make "designer babies”?
  • Laws to protect the victims of domestic abuse should be enforced.
  • Should Columbus Day be replaced with Indigenous Peoples’ Day?
  • To regulate health issues, people should think about their sleep more.
  • Should schools require foreign language or physical education?
  • Is the United States falling behind other countries in terms of education?
  • Which are the secondary languages that are worth studying today?
  • Should US sports take soccer more seriously?
  • Is education too commercialized nowadays?
  • Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago?
  • Are there moral concerns that should make genetic cloning illegal?
  • Should all Americans be required to speak English fluently?
  • Compare and contrast learning methodologies of the 19th and 20th centuries.
  • Are wildlife reserves better for the well-being of animals than zoos or aquariums?
  • What are the benefits of a highly competitive environment?
  • How can we get childcare costs down in the United States?
  • What do you think of the police tactic of stop-and-frisk?
  • Why do people say that Wilson actually lost the war?
  • Why are children scared of the clowns?
  • Violent video games affect a child’s mental health and stability.
  • The educational system has gotten too commercialized for its own good.

Now that you have a complete list of essay themes don't worry if you're confused about how I compose my essay. Simply hire an essay writer and get your work completed on time.


For more information, you can also get help from essay writer service free.

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