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1 členů | ODDÍL

CBD Oil from the Cannabis Plant for Pain Relief


It seems like a new study comes out almost every day touting the pain-relieving properties of cannabidiol (CBD), which is found in the cannabis plant. The evidence is becoming increasingly clear that CBD might have as much of an anti-inflammatory effect as opioids or anti-inflammatories such as aspirin.

CBD is already a common treatment for pain. It’s not that surprising that CBD is effective for pain, but it’s great that there’s evidence that CBD might be the treatment of choice for some patients.

CBD is a natural component of the cannabis plant and a constituent of hemp, both of which have been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. Since its first isolation in 1940, research into CBD has grown at a considerable rate. Most of the research into CBD has been centered on its anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant properties, although the compound has proven effective for a wide range of ailments.

A 2018 study published in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics showed that a cannabidiol (CBD) topical spray is effective at relieving pain caused by rotator cuff tendonitis. The study showed that CBD spray provided pain relief to people suffering from shoulder tendinitis, with about one-quarter of the subjects experiencing more than 50 percent pain relief.

Research into the effectiveness of CBD for various conditions is ongoing, and it may eventually find a role in many conditions, from skin conditions to digestive issues. While some studies have shown CBD to be effective for these conditions, there are still many more questions to be answered.

CBD is already being used to treat a wide range of conditions.


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