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nadim mia

1 členů | TÝM

What is a solid surface?


Solid surface is man-made material that is made of marble dust, acrylic resin, polyester resin, and pigments. Solid surface is a name that refers to the fact that the material is stable throughout its thickness.


It is non-porous and low-maintenance, durable, and stylish. It is available in sheet and thicker forms that can be joined together to create an invisible seam. It can be shaped to your specifications and can be repaired by a skilled fabricator if it is damaged or scratched acrylic solid surface sheets.


You can choose from hundreds of different colors and textures. You can choose from solid colors or combinations that mimic the effects of granite, marble, or wood grain. It can be finished with a high gloss or matte finish, depending on the application.


It is resistant to stain and mildew, non-porous so there is no place for bacteria to hide, and heat- and cold-tolerant.


Solid surface has many uses. Most people know it for bathroom vanity tops and kitchen countertops. It’s an affordable alternative to expensive marble countertops in home applications. It is also easier to use. It is also more user-friendly than traditional laminate countertops (such as Formica brands).


If you are looking for the same look in other areas of your home, solid surfaces can be used as tabletops in mantels, mudrooms and windowsills. This wonderful material can be used in many new ways throughout your day.


Since then, it has become increasingly popular in industrial and commercial settings such as offices, hospitals, bars, museums, airports, and other places like museums, bars, restaurants, hotels, and bars. These include bar tops, tables and reception desks as well as nurse’s stations, teller desks, check writing desks and check-in counters. Facades, meeting tables, windowsills are just a few examples of its uses. It is a material that many architects and designers love because it has a combination of non-porous properties with durability, renewability, formability, and durability.


It is now being used in more applications due to its durability and elegant elegance, such nameplates, memorials, and signs. People are constantly being inspired to think of new ways.


Numerous companies produce solid surface sheets for local and commercial markets. Avonite, Corian and Formica Solid Surface are some of the brands that make solid surface sheets.


It’s priced to be competitive with natural stone, quartz, and marble but has better qualities such as seamlessness and reparability, durability, and ease of maintenance.

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