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1 členů | TÝM

Types of Coffee Grinders You Should Know About


Let’s face it; a good grinder is undeniably the most important piece of coffee equipment you can own. Even though it might be overlooked in favor of exciting new brewing devices, your grinders still handles a lot of heavy lifting in determining the quality of your favorite drink. Whereas you might know how to grind coffee beans without a grinder, this will probably eat into your precious time.


To prevent this from happening, it is advisable that you understand what goes into buying the best coffee grinder. Fortunately, we are here to offer a helping hand. Below are some of the different types of coffee grinders you should consider checking out when learning how to grind coffee beans for French press.


Burr Grinders


The best burr coffee grinders are certainly a good addition to your home. This type of grinder has two burrs that move against each other to grind coffee to a specific size. One might wonder what makes it worth counting on when trying to prepare the best between macchiato vs. cappuccino.


Well, burr grinders ensure the resulting coffee is much more consistent in size. If this is not enough, there is control over the grind size itself. The good news is that you can also adjust the distance between the burrs, giving you either coarser or finer coffee. That’s just what you need to have a remarkable experience while preparing coffee.


Blade Grinders


When looking to buy the best coffee grinder for the money, you should never forget about blade grinders.  For those who might not know what we are talking about, anything that grinds coffee with a single, spinning blade is called a ‘blade grinder.’ With this type of grinder, the resulting coffee might have some big, chunky bits of bean that won’t brew properly.


The good thing about blade grinders is that they tend to be cheap. However, the quality is so low to the extent you might not see much improvement over using pre-ground coffee. Remember, you must figure out what to do with old coffee beans to avoid spending more money than planned in the first place.


Hand Grinders


While choosing between spice grinder vs. coffee grinder, it is in your best interest that you consider examining hand grinders. Since it does not include a motor, you can get a well-made grinder with a good burr-set without digging deeper into your pockets. Hand grinders tend to be portable and make great travel grinders.


The Bottom Line


These are just but some of the different coffee grinder types you should know about. Keep in mind you must also know how would the roasting time of coffee beans affect their caffeine content to enjoy the best taste. Individuals who are not willing to get a coffee grinder can learn how to roast coffee in a popcorn popper. Through this action, you will be in a better position to enjoy your favorite beverage without going through a lot.

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