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1 členů | TÝM

Top sofas for the elderly wholesale supplier 2022


High sofa for elderly factory in China? Chairs with arms for elderly – Rising age of residents with limited mobility leads to increases in walker / wheelchair usage. These can lead to scratch & scuffs, causing both a bad first impression and costly furniture replacement. Through cooperated with Tiger, an international famous powder coat brand, Yumeya’s arm chairs for elderly are 3 times more durable that can easy to deal with daily collisions. The chairs can maintain their good look for years.


Any factory has the ability to make one good chair, but B2B business does not only buy one chair. But the problem is that a sample definitely can not effectively and comprehensively reflect the standard, details, processes and QC. In Yumeya, we always tell our customers, ‘Don’t just look at my samples, please be sure visit our workshop before placing us an order.’ Use Yumeya onlin factory visit service to visit us and check our work status at any time.


As the first company to apply wood grain to metal chairs, Yumeya’s metal wood grain seating have the look and touch of solid wood chair. There are 3 advantage of Yumeya’s metal wood grain, ‘no joint and no gap’, ‘Clear’ and ‘Durable’. Professional side chair manufacturer – Yumeya’s armless side chairs use together with arm chairs and bar stools, suitable for all kinds of applications, such as dinig, cafes, restaurants, senior living and so on. Yumeya’s dining side chair is a metal chair but in wood grain metal finish, which makes Yumeya’s side chairs combine the advantages of metal chair and solid wood chair, ‘higher strength’, ‘40% – 50% of price’, ‘solid wood texture’. Meanhile, Yumeya’s side chair can stack 5-10 pcs high, which can save more than 50-70% of the cost whether in transportation or daily storage. If you are looking for comfortable dining side chairs for senior living, skilled nursing furniture, assisted living chairs, welcome to contact us.


The senior living place have higher requirements for environmental safety than other commercial places. As Yumeya Senior Living Seating have no holes and no seams, it will not support the growth of bacteria and viruses. Meanwhile through using Tiger Powder Coat, even if a high concentration (undiluted) disinfectant is used, Yumeya Senior Living Seating will not change color. Combined with effective cleaning programs, it can effectively prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.


Yumeya Furniture is the leading senior living furniture manufacturers for wood grain metal senior living chairs. Yumeya Wood Grain Metal Senior Living Chairs have solid wood texture, cooperated with Tiger powder coat, 3 times durable, can maintain its good look for years; Have the same strength as the metal chair, it can bear more than 500 lbs. Meanwhile, Yumeya provide 10-years frame warranty. Free you from any after-sales worries and short the return on investment cycle.

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