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nadim mia

1 členů | TÝM

Polystyrene Foam Extrusion Collection


Macro’s PS Memory foam Extrusion Series can be a tandem extruder method in which generates expanded polystyrene sheet (EPS) with extrusion end result costs around seven-hundred kg/h.

The main element characteristic with the series can be a freshly developed progressive chilling twist in which assures successful chilling with the burn and also very even burn temperatures syndication inside the extra extruder. This kind of not merely permits extrusion that occurs with improved components but in addition generates useful attributes inside memory foam construction, for instance an elevated amount regarding closed-cells, bettering the general durability with the foamed page.

The particular perish is made thus perish lips modifications can be executed with out turning later on, conserving charges about components and also work. To know more information about ps sheet extrusion line

The particular series comes with any loss-in-weight serving method in which manages an exact blending together proportion. The particular fuel treatment method can easily utilize a array of actual throwing out real estate agents, and also multiple realtor may be inserted at the same time, when necessary.

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Much like almost all Macro devices, the particular series will be made while using the latest technology, finest quality components and also excellent artistry.

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