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nadim mia

1 členů | TÝM

Hung Yuan Metal Tube Corporation Ltd


Taiwan Steel Tube Company / Hung Yuan Metal Tube has been manufacturing steel tubes, pipes and carbon steel tubing, since 1987. Providing quality steel tubes and pipes for the international market. We have a wide selection of steel tubes, round tubes, square tubes, oval tubes, eyed shaped tubes and rectangular tubes. We can manufacture a wide range of custom tubes.


Using our patented tube forming system and high-quality precision molds we are able to manufacture custom steel tubes for any application. Our steel tubes are used in some of the following industries:  Outdoor Furniture, Machine Rails, Industrial Applications, Furniture and more.


Our manufacturing facility has the finest state of the art equipment. Our steel tube products are sold worldwide. If you are looking for a stock steel tube or need a custom tube made, contact us and find out how we can help you.  We offer high quality steel and metal products at very competitive prices.


Everything we make, test, and deliver reflects our commitment to quality. Our company is driven by our commitment to quality, new technology, and full contract manufacturing solutions, which gives our clients substantial competitive advantages in the worldwide marketplace. Taiwan Steel Tube is dedicated to improving the quality of our goods and services on a constant basis. To ensure on-time delivery and defect-free products, we try to meet and exceed our customers' demands and expectations. Taiwan Steel's goals are as follows:


At our clients, we have a zero failure rate;


On-time delivery 100 percent of the time;


Continuous improvement via efficiency, achieving first-time yield effectively, and eliminating all waste;


The use of innovation and employee participation to enhance our processes on a constant basis.

Ahoj, když si u nás vypneš blokování reklam, umožníš poskytovat SportCentral i nadále zdarma. Děkujeme za zvážení :-)[x]