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1 členů | TÝM

Eco-Friendly Products Boost Competitiveness


The adoption of the "green" route, at various stages of adoption, is increasing among Chinese manufacturers. Whether in the consumer clothing, jewelry, stationery, paint, or consumer electronics industries, an increasing number of companies are using environmentally safe products, including recycle agents. Get more details bamboo products


Suppliers are motivated for two main reasons. Most companies are forced to do so due to increasingly stringent production regulations in the major export destinations, the EU and the United States. For example, the RoHS restricts the use of environmentally harmful elements and fertilizers. These include lead and cadmium. The EU Directive only applies to electrical and electronic products, but manufacturers in other industries, such as fashion jewelry, are delicate and exempt from these products.


Some have used green trends as a marketing tool to help them move to a high manufacturing industry and get out of the low end of the competition. Because the green model has a base price, companies can charge 5 to 50% more for these products.


Natural and sustainable options


In addition to ensuring that components are free of toxins, many companies have introduced alternative products that have minimal environmental impact.


Cotton producers are the major consumers of insects worldwide, accounting for 16% of total consumption. Organic cotton grown without toxic pesticides or synthetic fertilizers promotes healthier products, maintains biodiversity and reduces harmful chemicals that pollute the environment.


Another eco-friendly material often used in pants and laces is Tensel. This is a brand of regenerated cellulose fiber made from loose wooden porcelain. It is usually mixed with cotton up to a ratio of 1: 3.


Bamboo distribution is also incorporated into the production of garments. In addition to being biodegradable, it is one of the most effective of all types of natural fibers in terms of moisture absorption and transport.


The natural ingredients that the manufacturer converts are silk, bamboo charcoal, soy protein fiber and milk.


In addition to clothing applications, bamboo is used as a wood replacement, but this is not currently required. Some manufacturers have found ways to reconfigure natural plants and cylinders by processing on high-pressure machines.


Due to the short maturation cycle of bamboo, high reach, proven strength and durability, this material is not only environmentally friendly for wood, but also increases profitability.


Recycled substitutes


Wood pulp, the most common paper-producing material, is associated with many environmental issues, including deforestation, air and water pollution. This has led providers to share increasingly available environmentally friendly alternatives. These include non-wood pulp paper, including cotton, bamboo, activated bamboo charcoal for mold, bamboo crushers, and minor stone modifications.


Recycled paper like craft is also an environmentally friendly option. In terms of quality, recycled paper is better than the standard version. However, there are some restrictions on its use, especially the fact that color printing is not possible.


"Eco-friendly paper products are more expensive, but consumer acceptance is high. Our new and old customers are actively arranging orders for these products," said bo Jiang Guangbo Group Co., Ltd. Wang Australia said.


A manufacturer of recycled snake toys, recently launched as a by-product of wood, describes it as a decent alternative. In addition to providing environmental benefits, it improves the cracking properties and thermal performance of toys such as role-playing games. This option is easier to process than wood, has a shorter production time and a simpler design procedure.


In the beauty and cosmetics line, this trend reflects the simple recycling or recycling package adopted by many manufacturers. A gradual reorganization is also encouraged.

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