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Different Types of Stairs


All of us come across different types of stairs in several homes. However have you ever ever thought how many totally different types of stairs are utilized in construction and what is their classification? In case you haven’t considered it, then this article is written for you. After reading the whole article you will be able to distinguish between Totally different Types of Stairs.


What’s a Stair?


A stair is a set of steps leading from one floor of a building to the following, typically inside the building. The enclosure or room of this building, in which the stair is situated is called staircase. The opening or area occupied by the stair is referred to as a stairway. Stairs are categorized into different types primarily based on their shape and form.


Totally different types of Stairs in response to the shape are:-


Straight Stairs,


Turning Stairs and


Continuous stairs


Ordinarily, for smaller homes, available width is quite less. So, Straight Stairs are used.


Straight Stairs


First within the list of various types of stairs is Straught Stairs. These Stairs run straight between 2 floors. These Stairs may include either one single flight or more than one flight with landings.


Straight stairs will be labeled into completely different types:-


Straight Stairs


Straight Stairs with intermediate touchdown


Turning stairs


Second in the list of various types of stairs is Turning Stairs. Stairs which shouldn’t be straight and turns at an angle as much as 360 degrees are known as Turning Stairs. However don’t confuse it with circular or spiral stairs. There is a huge difference between them which you will understand after looking at their pictures.


Turning Stairs can be categorized into totally different types:-


Quarter Turn Stairs,


Geometrical Quarter Turn Stairs,


Half Turn Stairs or Dog-Legged Stairs,


Geometrical Half Turn Stairs,


Open-Well Stairs and,


Split Stairs


Quarter Turn Stairs are the types of turning stairs which turn at an angle of 90 degrees at some extent in between the size of the steps however usually this turning is given on the midpoint.


Geometrical Quater Turn Stairs are the types of turning stair which turn at ninety degrees geometrically and this turning is spread across the entire length of the stair.


Half Turn Stairs or Dog-Legged Stairs are the types of turning stairs which turn at an angle of 360 degrees. Usually, this turning is given on the mid-point. A landing is provided on the middle for taking U-Turn.


Geometrical Half Turn Stairs are the types of turning stairs which turn at an angle of 360 degrees geometrically. This geometrical turning is provided on the mid-landing.


Open Well Stairs are much like Half Turn Stairs in design however the only difference between them is the landing which is provided in the middle is of bigger size than Half Turn Stairs and because of which a spot is created on the center and hence it was named as Open Well Stairs.


In the event you adored this informative article and you would like to obtain details regarding stairs supplier I implore you to visit our web-site.

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