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nadim mia

1 členů | TÝM

Auxiliary seal ring material in mechanical seal


The auxiliary sealing ring of the mechanical seal includes a dynamic ring sealing ring and a static ring sealing ring. According to its function, the auxiliary sealing ring material is required to have good elasticity, low friction coefficient, resistance to corrosion swelling of the medium, and aging resistance. After compression and long-term work, there is a small permanent deformation. It is non-sticky when used at high temperatures, and it is not hard and brittle at low temperatures and loses elasticity. In addition, materials are also required to be easily accessible and low in cost. Get more details mechanical seals supplier


The auxiliary sealing ring materials mainly use various rubber, polytetrachloroethylene, etc.


Among them, rubber is a highly elastic polymer compound. Because of its good elasticity and certain strength, it has a tight seal when used as a sealing ring, excellent cushioning and shock absorption, and has good air tightness and water impermeability. , Wear resistance, heat resistance and corrosion resistance. Therefore, it is a better sealing material, and is the most used one in mechanical seal pumping seal rings.


In addition to the above advantages, the rubber sealing ring can maintain the seal within a larger tolerance range due to its large elasticity and is easy to manufacture. When using different rubber varieties, formula design, mixing and vulcanization processes, products with various properties can be produced to meet the requirements of different temperature changes, corrosion, dissolution, and swelling of different chemical substances. The disadvantages of rubber seals The friction coefficient is relatively large, and the resistance when the spring is pushed forward is relatively large, and it is easy to cause stickiness or aging at high temperatures.


Rubber is divided into natural and synthetic rubber. A variety of synthetic rubbers are generally used for auxiliary seals of mechanical seals. Different synthetic rubbers have different characteristics, and sometimes it is necessary to choose which rubbers to use according to their reasonable characteristics.


As mentioned above, polytetrachloroethylene is widely used under various temperature, pressure and corrosive media conditions due to its excellent chemical stability, temperature resistance and low friction coefficient. The quenching method can extract the toughness of the PTFE O-shaped sealing ring, and the filling method can improve the dimensional stability of the PTFE wedge-shaped sealing ring.


In high temperature conditions, expanded graphite or metal hollow-shaped rings are also used as auxiliary sealing rings.

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