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Amusement rides factory 2022


Golden horse rides manufacturer in China? With years of experience in the sector, Jinma has built up a competent production and installation team composed of top industrial professionals and secured itself as the leading amusement ride manufacturer in China. Sparing no efforts to contribute to the robust development of amusement industry over the years, Jinma has won industry-wide recognition and praises. Jinma always positions itself as a leader and innovator in the sector. It takes the lead in building up platforms and promotes cross-sector integration, laying the groundwork for the continuous innovation and development of the whole industry. Discover additional details at amusement ride supplier


Jinma is showcasing its independently created LSM ejection Suspended Powered Roller Coaster, Trackless Dark Ride, and other immersive attractions in international markets for the first time. The immersive attraction incorporates sound and visual elements that correspond to the theme, as well as dynamic riding equipment, to provide tourists with an immersive experience. Jinma immersive attractions drew much attention from industry insiders and park owners on the expo.


On October 10th, Jinma Rides new products launch was grandly held in Zhongshan Expo Center. In his opening speech, chairman Dengzhiyi said that this is the first new product launch held by Jinma Rides. It is not only a new marketing measure, but also a new attempt to communicate and serve customers better. To this end, based on the study of tourist amusement rides experience and clients operation needs, Jinma Rides has successively released five innovative products to ensure that the R&D direction is in line with the market development trend. Jinma Rides’ s LSM coaster won the “Innovative Amusement Rides of Indoor Park” award. As a pioneer in the industry, Jinma will continue to enhance cultural creativity and high-end manufacturing capabilities in the future.


Jinma owns intellectual rights to all ride products it supplies. Over the years, Jinma has gained a large market share in domestic high-end amusement attraction market, supplying supreme ride products to theme parks and major amusement parks. Globally, Jinma has its rides installed in over 30 countries and regions. As a pioneer in China’s amusement industry, Jinma continues to enhance its research and development capacity. Relying on its core advantages of independent creativity, planning and R & D capability, strong production capacity and sound marketing ability, it vows to further develop high-end markets both at home and abroad, striving to build itself into an prominent global brand.


AGV(Automated Guided Vehicle) Trackless Dark Ride is a new high-tech immersive attraction and makes use of a variety of innovative technologies. The whole set of control systems was provided by Jinma Rides. Adopting laser ranging and positioning technology to obtain the real-time position data of the vehicle, its control systems control the position and direction of two groups of independent steering wheels,which is 360 degrees without dead ends, trackless to create a very immersive and realistic tale world for passengers, so as to realize the movement of the vehicle according to the set track. Different from traditional trackless dark rides, Jinma innovatively intergrates Taxiing track and a 6-DOF dynamic platform into the ride, which makes the experience richer as well as more unique and immersive. By taking this trackless dark ride, passengers can have a narrative and plot emotional experience, as well as a cultural experience of spiritual search, in addition to the full sensory experience.

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